Welcome to

Longville Bible Chapel

We are currently not holding Coffee and Fellowship due to COVID protocols.


We are currently covering 1 & 2 Corinthians from front to finish. Pastor Bob covers how we as a church (Body of God) should be, and how we can learn from the problems the church of Corinth faced.


Brief summary on what we believe

The Bible is the primary means God speaks to us today.  Through the words of its inspired text, God provides us with all we need to know concerning life, salvation from sin, and our relationship with God (2 Timothy 3:16-17).  What we believe is based on what the Bible teaches concerning Christian living. 


Learn how to be saved

When we say, “How to be Saved,” we are talking about a rescue mission.  We need rescued from our eternal destination, separated from God, in a place called hell.  This rescue is brought about by faith in Jesus Christ and results in a changed life both now and for eternity (Acts 4:12).  Do you need to be saved?


Prayer Meeting

Meet to pray together and share prayer needs.

Every Thursday at 5:30 p.m.


Children's Ministry

Children from pre-school age and up, enjoy Bible classes, crafts, and other activities.

Every Sunday morning at 10:30 a.m.

Monday Night Ladies Bible Study

Every Monday night at 7:00 p.m.


Tuesday Afternoon Ladies’ Bible Study

We will start going through a bible study on the book of Acts. Meeting at the Church basement.

Every Tuesday Afternoon at 1:00pm

Sunday Adult Bible Study

A Sunday for adults that helps believers grow in their walk with the Lord

Every Sunday Morning at 9:00am

Thursday Night Bible Study

Come and be a part of an exciting Bible Study with Bob Leko on a study in Eschatology.

Every Thursday night at 6:30pm

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~ Our Location ~


Longville Bible Chapel
5116 State Hwy 84, Longville, MN 56655

Pastor Bob Leko 701-770-7077


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